• Self Inquiry,  Self realization,  Uncategorized

    From not knowing, to the knower – How suffering and seeking begins

    Today we need to revisit the topic of Panchakleshas (please see this earlier article). As a quick reminder, the, Panchakleshas are a list of progressive distortions in our perception that lead us to suffering. These layers of distortion are progressive. One distortion leads to another, and it progressively grows into a delusion of a separate entity that our minds project as a reality. The result of this delusion is that it leads us into the afflictions of anger, lust, pride, passion, greed and jealousy. This is suffering. Today we will look at the first two and most important of these progressive distortions that are at the root of this. Avidya (not knowing) and Asmita (contraction). Avidyā (अविद्या) is a Vedic Sanskrit word, and…

  • Self Inquiry,  Self realization

    What is “Self Realization” and does a person get self realized?

    Self realization is an intense yet very simple topic.   A hungry Zen master approached a fruit vendor and requested: “Please make me one with everything”. The vendor prepares the fruit bowl and hands it to the Zen master, who pays with a $5 bill. The fruit vendor tucks in the cash, and closes the drawer. “Where is my change?” asks the Zen master. Much to the shock of the Zen master, the vendor responds: “Change must come from within”. Although this funny incident is just a joke, it has a hidden truth within it. Throughout this site and through all my efforts, I strive to bring this truth to aspiring spiritual…