
Random Musings of the Self

This is a page I will use as a stream of spontaneous responses arisen, as someone/anyone asks me a question about something related to discovery of the Self.

Question: How can I plan the future?

The current moment is the raw material out of which the future is created.

But we are always stuck in “planning” and “thinking about the future”. The future is NOT created from thoughts, but your awareness and presence in the current moment. The more you are aware of the current moment, the richer and more transparent it gets. You will “feel” the changes, the distortions and find that peace and silence is the background of the current moment. Like a blank canvas for a beautiful emerging spontaneous painting.

Remember that the future is created FROM, and OUT OF the current moment, and not out of thoughts.

Question: How do I deal with frustration?

Attachment to the outcome of the desire (like/dislike) creates unease, anxiety, frustration. Not the desire itself.

Try to drop the attachment to the outcome. Say its ok for it to be either way. This does not mean that we need to give up the desire or the actions/planning, to try and move the outcome. It simply means that you are not attaching yourself to the outcome. You can continue planning or acting for the outcome. But simply be prepared for the outcome to be either way. Be ok with it.  Your mind will say …”but what if…”, “but what then…”. These “but’s” are related to the outcome. They have nothing to do with the current moment. The mind can come up with an infinite list of “but’s”. It’s the minds trick to keep you engaged with the outcome of the desire. The outcome is in the future. It cannot be “thought about” now. Yes, you can plan for it, and act for it freely, but there is no need to carry around baggage about the outcome that has yet to arrive.

You will have desires. It is part of the psyche of the being. However, do not be attached to their realization. This attachment to the outcome of desires is what creates unhappiness, anxiety, grief. The freedom from these attachments to the outcome will give you peace, happiness, openness and truth.


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