• Shastras,  Vedanta

    Dukkha (दुःख); Sorrow

    What is Dukkha or sorrow? Lets start with understanding the root of the word. In Sanskrit, Su and dus are prefixes indicating good or bad. The word kha, in later Sanskrit means “sky,” “ether,” or “space,”. Hence Su+kha=Sukha means good or peaceful space, and Du+kha=Dukkha means bad or uncomfortable space. IOW, dukkha (दुःख) or sorrow really implies discomfort, or uneasiness within your being. Where does this unease come from? We all tend to attribute all our problems and sorrows to the outward world. We will attribute sorrow to relationships, to things, to states within the body. However, the reality is that, this unease fundamentally comes from the longing to be one…