• Shastras,  Vedanta

    Nirvana Shatakam – Sri Adi Shankaracharya [Six verses for Freedom]

    This is my first attempt at sharing  poems, abhangs and bhajans from great enlightened sages. This one is called Nirvana Shatakam, or Atma Shatakam. Which means six verses for freedom, or six verses for Atman. This poem is a significant contribution by Sri Shankaracharya, a great sage that lived between 788 CE – 820 CE in Kaladi, the Chera Kingdom, which is present day Kerala, India. He describes what we are, and what we aren’t. That we are not this mind, body or anything external to it. We are pure, divine, cosmic consciousness or Shiva. This video that I’ve created, includes the translations with meanings, as subtitles. Also, for your convenience,…

  • Shastras,  Vedanta

    Suffering – Part I: क्लेश; Kleshas [Afflictions]

    We all are in a quest for Happiness. Absolutely everything we do is for this quest for happiness. Eternal boundless happiness without a moment of suffering. However, on the way to achieving this happiness, we suffer. Why does this happen? In this series, lets try to understand what suffering is. We often use the word suffering loosely. We confuse pain for suffering. Lets try to understand what the source of suffering is, why it arises and what can we do about it. Actually it is the Arishadvargas, the six negative characteristics of the mind: काम; kama (lust), क्रोध; krodha (anger), लोभ; lobh (greed), मोह; moha (attachment), मद; mada (pride) and मात्सर्य; matsarya (jealousy); that…

  • Musings

    A Radical Change; Will you accept it?

    Imagine a person that has been walking with a stick since they were born. For no reason. Someone had simply introduced them to a stick when they started to walk. One day at the age of 35, you tell them that they are not handicapped, and that they do not need a stick to walk. That they are not really handicapped. Wouldn’t that be a profound discovery that shakes up the person? Wouldn’t that make a significant shift in how the person thinks and lives? Would that make the person say “do not joke around with me! Are you making fun of me?” In other words, it would really be a profound and…