
This site uses references from many of the ancient Indian scriptures. Mainly from the vedantic period. Within this vast library of scriptures, we often focus on a set which is referred to as the Prasthanatrayi. Prasthanatrayi literally means three sources, and refers to the three canonical texts of Hindu philosophy, especially of the Vedanta schools. It consists of;

  1. The Upanishads, known as Upadesha prasthana (injunctive texts), and the Śruti prasthāna (the starting point of revelation),
  2. The Brahma Sutras, known as Nyaya prasthana or Yukti prasthana (logical text) and
  3. The Bhagavad Gita, known as Sadhana prasthana (practical text), and the Smriti prasthāna (the starting point of remembered tradition)

In addition to this, the site also sometimes refers to the founders of the three major schools of Vedanta, viz, Adi Shankara, Ramanujacharya, Nimbarkacharya and Madhva wrote bhāṣyas (commentaries) on these texts.

The above, however, does not mean that the content and the reasoning behind these approaches are in any way affiliated or restricted to the Indian scriptures. The approaches Jay employs for spiritual seeking, are fairly universal and generic.

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