जीव & शरीर [Jiva, its Microcosm & body]
The above picture highlights what we call Jiva (a life) and its structure in the case of a human being. It also highlights the three main aspects of a Jiva.
- The gross body that is flesh, bones and the elements.
- The Subtle body that contains the mental faculties and energies.
- The Causal body which stores information that transcends lives.
It also highlights the relationship between the bodies, and provides a much detailed view as 5 layers. The pancha kosha.
The structure also shows how the 3 states of a being correlate to the bodies. The state of “Turiya” or the 4th state, transcends a being in all three states of waking, dreaming and sleeping.
The Antah Karana is the mental faculty with the intellect. The Indriyas are the 5 inputs or Jnyanendriyas (hearing, smelling, tasting, seeing & touch) and the 5 outputs or Karmendriyas (speaking, grasping, walking, excretion and ejaculation). These inputs and outputs are directly connected to the Manas (the mind).
The reality is Brahman. The bodies and the mental faculties are simply a manifestation of Brahman.
It is nice site but Mr Jay K can you please brief more on 5 layers of pancha koshas
Jay K
Thank you Mr. Rajesh. Please see my new post on the Pancha Kosha
Amazing post. It’s a lot of effort to consolidate all this information. Love it Mr.J