Self Inquiry,  Vedanta

सत्य; [Satya] The Ultimate Truth

In a conversation “I” had with someone, the person asked “me”, “Is there an ultimate truth”? This prompted the writing of this article.

Definition of truth:
The real definition of truth is that something which does not change. It is what it was in the past. It will be in the future what it is now. Anything that changes is not true. It is not the truth. It is only interpreted by your mind as a relative “truth”. Hence everything in the “outside” world (manifested phenomenal universe) is untrue and will never give you eternal happiness.

What is the ultimate truth?
The truth is that you do not exist. You have identified with this body and this mind. You are ब्रह्मन्; [Brahman], pure cosmic consciousness.

Yes, the truth is that there is “no-one” writing this blog. Its a material manifestation/expression  used as an instrument by cosmic conciousness to express itself. There are no “people”. “People” are fictitious personas we have identified with. They are referred to as अहंकार; [Ahamkar] or ego.

If you are still around to read this, you are the second one below.

a. There  will be beings that will ignore this completely. The human mind is looking for stimulation. Not truth. It does not understand that truth and happiness are the same thing. It will run away quickly. It does not understand that happiness is within itself, and it looks for it outside. We are all looking for happiness. If you are the kind of  persona that is addicted to stimulation in the outside world, you are already gone. Closed this page. You are not interested in truth because you think stimulation is where the happiness is.

b. If you are still around, you are already on the right path. Persist. Enquire. Who’s thinking? Who’s angry? Who’s sad? Who’s in pain?
Initially, your mind will start a barrage of “why” questions. Because the outward mind only understands causality. It “thinks” there is a cause for everything. In fact time, space and causality really do not exist. But, in the beginning it will resist the truth, and look for the “why” answers outside.

Some references from Sages:
Lets look at some महावाक्य; [Mahavakas], principal sentences from the vedic scriptures. These are things that the sages have realized after contemplation and introspection upon the human quest for happiness and eternity. There are many more of these statements that say the same thing in the scriptures, but these four are the most popular and commonly used in Hindu culture. In fact all enlightened people, including Christ have said the same thing, but it gets misinterpreted by people when they create religious doctrines. Krishna said the same things in the Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna.

  1. Prajñānam Brahman – “Consciousness is Brahman” (from the Aitareya Upanishad of the Rig Veda)
  2. Ayam ātmā Brahman – “The Self is Brahman” (from the Mandukya Upanishad of the Atharva Veda)
  3. Tat Tvam Asi – “Thou art That” (from the Chandogya Upanishad of the Sama Veda)
  4. Aham Brahmāsmi – “I am Brahman” (from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad of the Yajur Veda)

They all say the same thing. That You are Consciousness (Brahman). And that is all there is in this universe. Consciousness. The material manifestation of all bodies is simply an expression of this consciousness and not the real “you”.

You are the divine, pure, cosmic consciousness. Wake up. Find out.

More to come.

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