
A Radical Change; Will you accept it?

Imagine a person that has been walking with a stick since they were born. For no reason. Someone had simply introduced them to a stick when they started to walk. One day at the age of 35, you tell them that they are not handicapped, and that they do not need a stick to walk. That they are not really handicapped.

Wouldn’t that be a profound discovery that shakes up the person?
Wouldn’t that make a significant shift in how the person thinks and lives?
Would that make the person say “do not joke around with me! Are you making fun of me?”
In other words, it would really be a profound and extreme discovery in that persons life, and would shake them up internally. They might even feel cheated out of life.

So, if you tell a person that they have mis-identified themselves, and that they are NOT this body and mind that they think they are, you would think that the person would really start paying attention. They would start asking questions like;

  1. What are you talking about, I am not my mind and body? I do not understand!
  2. You must be joking! Get out of here! You are nuts! Prove it to me!
  3. I do not believe this. How can I understand this myself, so I can correct this mis-identification?

Instead what happens is that most of the times they simply brush it off. Perhaps, because the mind does not like this. The mind does not believe this. We are so caught up in this manifest universe and the stimulation it offers to our minds, that we have much better things to do. Or perhaps the mind is not ready to give up its control, that it had over you. For all this life, and perhaps many past lives. Perhaps you are not ready to hear this.

I personally think its usually the former. We are so addicted to our thoughts, that we firmly believe in them. We are addicted to the stimulation that the mind and the world outside has to offer, even if its a temporary resort to the suffering and lack of happiness that lies within our being. Yes, we are in denial. Deep denial. And choose to live with it.




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