Self Inquiry,  Self realization

What is “Self Realization” and does a person get self realized?

Self realization is an intense yet very simple topic.


A hungry Zen master approached a fruit vendor and requested: “Please make me one with everything”Zen master.

The vendor prepares the fruit bowl and hands it to the Zen master, who pays with a $5 bill. The fruit vendor tucks in the cash, and closes the drawer.

“Where is my change?” asks the Zen master. Much to the shock of the Zen master, the vendor responds: “Change must come from within”.

Although this funny incident is just a joke, it has a hidden truth within it. Throughout this site and through all my efforts, I strive to bring this truth to aspiring spiritual seekers of Self realization, Enlightenment, Mukti or Moksha. However, these words are now used very subjectively and have morphed over years and years of exchange. The new age brings new perspectives and freedom of expression, however with this freedom, words have begun morphing and evolving very rapidly and they lose their real meaning pretty soon. So we will dwell into the understanding of these terms and what they mean for us in this discussion.  


What Self Realization is not.
Let’s start with clearing up some expectations about this topic.

There is no self realized person. Essentially what happens when the contractions of supreme consciousness recede is that the person ceases to exist. The person is a conceptual and energetic entity which is a result of the memory within the mind/body complex.
The self is never enlightened. What we call the “self” in this situation is supreme consciousness. Consciousness is never either interested in any of this, nor does it have opinions, preferences, issues or suffering. The “self” continues to just be, as it ever did.
To understand this clearly we must continue on.


What is Self realization, Enlightenment, Mukti or Moksha.
To understand what “Self Realization” is, we have to understand why we are talking about it.

We are all striving for or seeking happiness all our lives. Happiness and peace is what we seek. Whether it is for ourselves, or sometimes what we call “selfless wish”, it still matters deep down. Even if it is selfless service, you do it because it provides you with that peace within. We are looking for this peace and happiness in whatever we do, and it is actually the most primary reason behind our actions.

Let’s look at what wikipedia has to say.

Self realization is considered the gateway to eternal happiness. When one realizes the self, one attains eternal happiness. Knowing who “I” am is Self Realization. If one realizes his own Self, then he himself is an Absolute Supreme Soul (Parmatma).

I agree with the first part. Self realization is just a movement of understanding. The mind is what realizes the self, or much more accurately starts reflecting the “self” or pure consciousness, without hang-ups, without distortions of memory. However, there is no “I” that becomes the absolute supreme soul. There is no “he” that realizes the self or becomes the Supreme soul. Let’s dwell into this some more. Please see the below animation. Pause and repeat as you wish, but pay attention to the progression of events.



What has really happened is, the consciousness that you are has contracted into paying attention to thoughts, concepts, identifications, feelings, emotions and stories of your experiences. This package of memories, essentially belongs to the body/mind complex. However, you the Supreme Consciousness are not this package of memories. Neither are you affected by this constantly changing bundle. You are simply available for this package to exist. These thoughts, emotions, feelings and sensations cannot exist, appear or disappear without you. You, the Supreme consciousness are the underlying reality behind all of what you call “experience”. 

Now let’s take a look at the following animation.



Some of us have reached a phase in life, where we start seeking this peace or happiness actively. This is called spiritual seeking. This type of a being is also referred to as a  sādhaka (साधक), or seeker in the upanishads. There are several paths a spiritual seeker may choose or be automatically attracted to. They range from devotion, to meditation and contemplation, and includes and is not limited to many other paths including some intense yogic practices. We are not concerned about these paths for now. We are simply analyzing the process of what this realization is.

If you paid attention to the above animation the retraction of attention is a result of these paths. If you are into contemplation of the self, your mind asks “who is the experiencer of all experiences”, which moves attention back to the self. Devotion also does the same thing, just in a much different way. 

Once this attention is retracted back to the supreme consciousness or the self, the concept of an “I” or the roles we play through our waking state have very little meaning and they soon disappear. Following this, with very little attention to the appearances of thoughts, they eventually fade away into oblivion. This does not mean that the being walks around like a mindless zombie walking into trees and poles. Infact, it does quite the opposite. The being now has freedom to use the mind as they choose and it has tremendous focus, clarity and none of the distortions of personal opinion. It is clear and open perception with the power of complete control.


What does Self realization provide
It is my firm conviction about the following.

Self realization provides complete freedom from psychic suffering, whether physical or mental.
It provides endless peace within, regardless of the happenings of “life”.
It changes the internal environment of the being, to an expression of love and gratitude towards all beings and things.


Self Realization is our birthright. Self Realization is our rebirth.
Self Realization is our duty. Living in a contracted state as a person is like living in a dream in complete ignorance.
Self Realization is peace. Self Realization is love.
You have assumed a human form. Do not waste the opportunity that this human life form provides. It is only in the human mind that this privilege of contemplation and discrimination is available. The human quest for happiness is a reality, and can come to fruition in this very life if your mind strives for it.

Zen masterA Meditation student asks their teacher how long it will take them to gain enlightenment if they practice diligently. 
“Ten years,” says the teacher. 
“Well, how about if I really work and double my effort?”
“Twenty years.”

Self realization is available to you at this very moment. The “Self” or supreme consciousness is eternally available at any time. It is not about effort. The Self is the true reality and the background of all of your experiences. Engage yourself today. Right now. Peace awaits you.


Some definitions from my perspective
Self realization: It is realized by the mind that the “Self” or supreme consciousness is the reality behind all the experiences. It is realized that the self is real and it is in peace and is the background of all good/bad, up/down, joy/sorrow and so on.

Enlightenment: The light of the supreme self now shines on the mind without the distortions of the mind. The mind, since its realization about the self or supreme consciousness, has suspended all its distortions, concepts, hangups that belonged to the assumed “person”. The mind is enlightened.

Moksha (मोक्ष, mokṣa) or Mukti: The mind/body that was always trapped in suffering is now free of suffering. After attention has retracted and is no longer providing energy to the appearances of bothersome thoughts, all anxiety, anger, fear and sorrow cease to exist. This provides complete freedom in the expression of that being.


  • Rajan

    Thanks Jay. Self Realization simplified! Beautifully explained.

    “Self Realization is our Birth Right & Self Realization is our Re-Birth” ! It resonates so beautifully with my being. 👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

  • Parin

    Good article. Self realizing itself. Mind cannot realize self. Mind does become more allowing, accepting with spiritual inquiry and satsang with a guru. There is nothing to do and no where to go in order to be that which you already are. Seeker do get glimpses of that love, grace which encourages them to continue. Just be. Thanks

    • jay

      Namaskar Parinji,
      Thank you for the comment. Please allow me to make a few clarifications.
      1. The self in the context of this article, we assumed is the Supreme Consciousness. Supreme consciousness does not realize itself. It knows itself prior to the minds understanding, and will continue to do so after. Nothing changes. The self does not realize itself. Supreme consciousness is ever present through all this story and it always knows itself.
      2. The mind cannot realize itself, but the change happens in the mind. The mind starts reflecting the self without the distortions of like/dislikes.
      3. “There is nothing to do…” is a very dangerous statement. Many seekers have fallen with this statement. This statement can only be said by a Guru to an advanced seekers mind, when it is established in the self. Until then, the mind has to be used as a tool for investigating the oscillations of attention. Sri Ramana compares this to the stick used to burn the funeral pyre. Once the fire is lit, the stick is then thrown into the fire, but until then we need this stick. Similarly, the mind is used as a tool and has to investigate the Self until the point it is a conviction. Then the mind can be set aside.

      Thank you and be well

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