
Seeking truth in trying times

Pranaams all!

Firstly, it is important to mention a couple of things. Our hearts and love go to all the needy and underprivileged at this time. Let’s all be responsible, affectionate and considerate.

Secondly, this post is meant to answer a really specific question from a perspective of an advanced seeker of the truth. A “Sadhaka” (साधक). If you are a Sadhaka, read on.

If you are not a sadhaka, many of the ideas here may confuse you. This post is not really intended for you. The simple advice to you would be to follow your social responsibility and isolate yourself, unless you have signed up for a greater responsibility such as a doctor or a police person.

However, if you indeed are a sadhaka and have been following my pointings, read on. Now, the question is, “how do I act or react in these trying times”. The answer is revealed, when you look carefully at your being. It reflects truth on many different levels. For the sake of simplicity, we can approach this with the concept of “Akasha”- ākāśa (आकाश). The space in which all happenings happen, or the true essence of any happening. If you have followed me, then this concept is not new to you. Now, we can look at the current happenings from least three levels of perspective. Essentially identifying yourself with the following three spaces of existence.

a. Bhuta-Akasha or Bhutakasha. The gross space of objects. The space you perceive with your organs. For example, when you say “There is no space for this chair”, you are referring to the gross space. If you always live with the perception of external objects and happenings with no awareness of your true existence, then you live in Bhutakasha.

b. Chitta-Akasha or Chitakasha. The Subtle space of thoughts, ideas, concepts. This space is perceived not with your gross and physical organs like your eyes, but rather with the light of awareness. If you constantly live in the mind-space of ideas, concepts and beliefs, then you lie in Chitakasha.

c. Chid-Akasha or Chidakasha. This space is even subtler than the space of the mind. This is the space of pure awareness where the mind, body, emotions, feelings AND all appearances are perceived.

Let’s look at your entire being and how you can be aware of all these aspects of your being space, to understand how and what is happening. This will allow you to be aligned with the right decisions and actions. This is critical not just in the trying times today, but also as an ongoing habit. Please see the following table. It provides you with a perspective on all three levels of existence. What you as a seeker should strive for, is to live at the highest level of awareness. As perceiving from Chidakasha.

So, you see what’s important from any of these perspectives, is to clearly focus on what you are and the essential reality of all the appearances and happenings of life. Be aware. You are pure awareness.

As usual, if you have further questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact me.


Good luck, love and peace to all beings.




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